There is no meditation in Japan

Meditation is an act of meditating. This is European tradition and it does not exist in Japan.

So there is no word for meditation in the Japanese language. Zen practise is basically trying to see one’s own body without meditating. The result should be that one acts on one’s mind and body without decision by thoughts. That is why one does not meditate. Since Zen was a part of the basic Japanese culture, Japanese in general do not meditate but try to understand what their body wants.

Doshu (2019)

“Der Weg des Aikido […] erhält die Menschlichkeit als Grundlage der Welt.” – Doshu Yoshigasaki.


Was ist Aikido? | What is Aikido?

Tea and Aikido

Japanese philosophy

Vom “Wie etwas tun” zum “Was tun” und vom Tun zum Sein

There is no meditation in Japan

Meditation – Japanese teacher

Freedom and Morality

Do not express yourself but listen to the world

The Real meaning of Otomo


Die Bedeutung von Sensei

What is Ki?

Exemplare können im Verein erworben werden.

Aikido in Real Life, 2023, Yoshigasaki, K.

Aikido Kunst und Lebensweg / All of Aikido, Kristkeitz Verlag, 2015, Yoshigasaki, K.

Inner voyage of a stranger / Reise ins unbekannte ich, Kristkeitz Verlag, 2003, Yoshigasaki, K.